It's Not a Phase

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Our Baby is a 2nd Grader

Big day today. Ryan started 2nd grade. Let's see, I teared up after he said his prayers last night. I teared up a little before we left the house this morning. I teared up a little after I walked out of his classroom. But when I left the building, I full out cried. Yes, I'm a big fat bawl baby.
It's not like I didn't know it was coming. It didn't happen out of the blue. I'm just having a really hard time w/him growing up. It's happening way too quickly for me. What happened to our little boy?! The one that used to get so excited to see cows. The one that used to love Barney & sang along w/all the songs. (our personal favorite? "...and the green grass grows all around, all around & the green grass grows all around." - those w/kiddos know you just sang it in your head!) The one that so proudly pronounced his name "Ryan Mackell." The one that loved to sit in my lap. Now he's seven years old & stands just below my shoulders. Where did the time go?! Every now & then he still climbs on my lap & wants to cuddle. & even though he weighs about sixty five pounds & has a really bony butt, I welcome him w/open arms. I cherish those moments b/c I know there are fewer & fewer of them ahead w/each day that passes.
He had a good day though. He was cool w/ me taking pictures this morning at home, but did not want me to take the camera to school. I figured that was fair enough. Didn't want to embarrass him. He didn't get either of the two teachers he was hoping to get. His teacher, Mrs. Worrell, seems really nice though. (He had said at Meet the Teacher Night that he heard she was nice.) She sent each kid home w/a note that said, "Thank you for making our first day terrific. You deserve a kiss & a hug. Love, Mrs. Worrell." How sweet is that?! I thought that was a good way to make them feel special on the first day. He didn't get Remedy in his class again, but their classes are next to each other & each grade goes to recess at the same time. So they'll still see each other alot. (& of course there are the weekends.)
So, here we are w/another year facing us. It makes me sad, but I'm excited about how much more he will learn this year. I'm so impressed by all he's already learned. Most importantly, I think he's excited & that's what really matters.


At 11:27 PM, Blogger Tori :) said...

Can you believe our babies are in 2nd grade??? AAaagghh


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